Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome 2012 4th graders!!  Welcome to our class reading blog.  I would love to hear about your favorite book.  What is it?  Why do you love it?  One of my favorite books is Holes.  I love it because I hate that the boys have to spend so much time digging holes because someone is looking for something.  I couldn't stop reading it  because I wanted to make sure that the boys didn't have to keep digging holes forever. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

     Since we are all still writing on the March post, I thought that I'd start a new one for the last month of school.  I'm looking forward to  a few more weeks of book conversations with all you 4th graders.  Where is your favorite place to read?
Mrs. Phillips :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 2012

Hello Fourth Graders!!
Where are you?????
I'm missing talking to you about books.
Love Mrs. Phillips

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Late February

Hello All,
Happy almost vacation to you!  I'm looking forward to hearing all about lots of good books that get read during vacation.  It seems that many of us in 4P are reading mysteries.  Yeah!  I love them!!  I'm glad that so many of you are getting to love them too.
Happy reading!
Mrs. Phillips

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2012!!

Hello Everybody! 
Happy New Year! Did you all have a wonderful vacation?  Did anybody read any new great books that you must tell us about?  Can't wait to hear about them.

Mrs. Phillips

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hello everybody,
      Welcome to December.  Now that we are in a new term you should all be reading AR books again.  Has any one finished a good book lately that you would recommend?  I'm still recommending Hugo.  I haven't seen too many people reading it yet.  I'm looking forward to hearing about what's new in your Reading world.
Love, Mrs. Phillips
P.S.  Wasn't that clever of me to figure out how to put the picture on here?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 2011

Hello Fourth graders!
I am missing hearing from you!  I'm looking forward to hearing about a character that you met in a book that you really liked or admired and why you liked them.  I really like Gladys in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  All the kids in that story are pretty crazy, but Gladys is the craziest.  She's only in elementary school and she smokes cigars.  I highly recommend the book, the Herdman kids (Gladys is the youngest) do all sorts of unexpected things like bring a wild cat in school for "Show and Tell".  It is one of my favorite books.